Tattoo Prices

Hey there friend! Here you can read about the energy exchange for getting tattooed by me.
The price may vary depending on what you desire, but I hope this will gain some clarity for you! 🙂

Deposit of 500kr will always be included. 

Custom Tattoo

A custom design after your unique request:
The price depends on what you are wishing for. But to give you an insight to of the general pricing.

I will charge 200kr/h for each hour I work on the design.
The more details, the more time it will take.
It can take from 1h and more.
We will together create this design, so I wont work for several hours without your consent.

The price for the actual tattoo also depends on the size and details of your request.

I can also work after a budget you give me. Then I will tell you before how much you can get from the given budget and you can decide from there.

The energy exchange will be from 1500kr.

Premade design

A tattoo design I’ve already created:
If you have felt drawn to one of my premade designs, the pricing is clear.

In most cases I have already set a price for these designs.

But in some cases I haven’t set a price for the design. Then we will together agree to a price that will resonate to us both.

Freeflow Tattoo

Do you feel the trust to let me follow the flow directly on your skin?

This concept has not been put into so much practice yet, and it requires a deep trust between us.

If you feel this trust, then I will only charge 500kr/h, or if we agree to a price before and I will work within the given budget.

Because of that this is a new concept, the information around this will change through time and practice.