You may wonder how the process of getting tattooed by me works, so let me explain for you:

  • Premade Design
  • Custom Tattoo
  • Free Flow

Premade design:

If you are getting a tattoo I already designed before, the process is simple. 

We begin to discuss the placement of the tattoo, the chosen design and the price of the tattoo.
The price may vary depending on the design. In most cases I have a set price for it already, and some will be paid by the hour of the time it takes to tattoo.

When we have agreed to a time and price, you then pay a deposit of 500kr. This deposit is just a prepayment to ensure safety between us. 
(Read more about deposit down below)

On the day of the tattoo, I suggest you prepare yourself to make the time as comfortable as possible for us both.

When you arrive I have prepared the materials and designs. And the final stencil of exact size we prepare together on the spot.
I usually prepare 3 different sizes for you to choose between to ensure that you are satisfied with the end results.

After you have decided the size, we will place the stencil where you have decided it to be. You are the boss here, if you feel that the placement is off, do not hesitate to ask to change it. I want you to be satisfied with the placement and I have full respect for your requests. 

When we are finished, you pay the rest of the price.
I will provide you with aftercare recommendations I suggest you to follow to make the healing process as good as possible. 


If you want me to create a tattoo on you with full trust in what comes up there and then. The process will be surely unique compared to a regular planned tattoo.
This is a bond of trust between us. So I only recommend this, if you feel that you can fully trust me and my creative process.
I will first have a few questions for you. Such as placement, intention and budget.

In this case, deposit is not needed. Because I believe that if you choose this alternative, the trust and security between us is already there.
In this case, the price per starting hour will only be 500kr. This is because when I open up this type of channel, I usually like to work for longer periods of time.
This concept is something new, so I haven’t put this into practice enough to fully describe the exact process. So this will unfold by the process of creation.

Custom tattoo:

If you have a custom request of a tattoo that you wish me to create, the process looks like this:

  • First we discuss your idea, to see if I am the right artist for your wishes. 

  • If I am the right artist for it, I will ask you to provide me with a detailed description of your wish and where the placement of the tattoo will be, and I may need a picture of the place on your body. 
    (And if you have some pictures of inspiration, it will help the process to go faster.)

  • For me to begin the sketching process, you will have to pay a deposit of 500kr to create a security between us.
    (Read more about deposit down below)

  • To ensure that the design becomes what you wish for, I will include you in the process and send you updates during the process of creating the design. So I need you to be available during this process.
    Each starting hour of the creating process I will take 200kr. This is to ensure that I won’t create something that you later on don’t want. (You can ask me how long I think the sketching will take to gain clarity of the price.)

    !You have the right to say anything that comes to your mind, remember that you are the boss here. So do not hesitate if you feel like the design is turning into something that you don’t want!

  • When the design is finished, and you are completely satisfied with the design, we will schedule a time for the tattoo. And you will pay the amount for the time it took to create the design.
    We will then discuss the price. The price may vary, depending on the design. Usually I will give you a price before, but in some cases I will give you a price range.

  • On the day of the tattoo, I suggest you prepare yourself to make the time as comfortable as possible for us both.

When you arrive I have prepared the materials and design. And the final stencil of exact size we prepare together on the spot.
I usually prepare 3 different sizes for you to choose between to ensure that you are satisfied with the end results.

After you have decided the size, we will place the stencil where you have decided it to be. You are the boss here, if you feel that the placement is off, do not hesitate to ask to change it. I want you to be satisfied with the placement and I have full respect for your requests. 

When we are finished, you pay the rest of the price.
I will provide you with aftercare recommendations I suggest you to follow to make the healing process as good as possible. 

Explore through my designs and tattoos I’ve made

Read about my values and mindset around sustainability

Do you have any questions, feedback or simply want to reach out?